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How to Manage Quality Assurance and Testing in Custom Software Development Outsourcing Projects?

How to Manage Quality Assurance and Testing in Custom Software Development Outsourcing Projects?

Product quality assurance and software testing play an important role in outsourced custom software development projects. 

According to the report, the Software Testing market was worth USD 87425.55 million in 2021 and is predicted to grow at a CAGR of 21.71% to USD 284155.08 million by 2027. This sounds impressive and really proves the importance of the industry.

It is also crucial to understand that developers will not test your program or check the quality of your website, but many companies try to do so and end up urgently looking for specialists with the right skills and testing tools. 

Assembling a team of automation and manual experts who can not only comment on bugs and errors, but also interact with the improvement process and help the development team is another challenge.

To succeed, you can try third-party software testing services and software quality outsourcing.

Software Development Outsourcing

In this article, we present some helpful pointers on selecting the best service provider and outsourcing quality assurance and testing in a way that saves your time and money.

Useful Tips for Successful QA Outsourcing

These tips are essential for outsourcing software testing services in a way that will not leave you unsatisfied.

  • Communicate with your outsourced/outstaffed workforce. We consider that open lines of communication are crucial to any kind of productive teamwork. Accordingly, it is essential that both parties set up reliable lines of communication.
  • Execute NDAs and SLAs. Before sharing confidential information about your app, clients, organization, etc. with QA testers, you should have them sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA). Service Level Agreements (SLAs) are contracts outlining the parameters and due dates for various stages of testing. In order to ensure that clients of ProCoders, for example, have the most stress-free possible experience, all of our developers sign off on the necessary paperwork.
  • Initiate a reporting schedule. Implement reporting deadlines and virtual meetings to stay in the loop and in charge of the process.
  • Interact and conduct interviews. If you’re outsourcing software quality assurance, it’s a good idea to have regular team calls with your developers and QA professionals to ensure everyone is on the same page and no missteps are made.

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Why You Should Outsource Software Testing

Let’s start by addressing the subject of why you would need quality assurance outsourcing. We’ve outlined the primary ones below.

1. Rate of implementation of new features

If you need assistance launching new features on short notice, Agiliway outsourcing experts can help.

Customers these days are far more forgiving of bugs and other issues with apps than they used to be, so it’s important to get them out the door as soon as possible without sacrificing quality.

2. Missed deadlines and core team burnout

Did you realize that addressing critical issues consumes 30% of your core team’s time? When compared to the rates of developers, QA engineers are too expensive.

It’s also really discouraging for the development team. Therefore, it is reasonable to rely on an outside company for QA testing and software evaluation.

3. High expenditure for in-house staff

If you need assistance with this one-time assignment but don’t have a dedicated QA team in-house, a software testing firm may step in.

A skilled specialist may be added to your existing team, or a fresh team can be assembled just for this endeavor. You won’t have to pay any of the costs associated with employing a specialist full-time, including their salary, benefits, and time off.

4. Reduced costs

Companies constantly worry about software costs. Outsourcing software testing may save you time and money in the long run. Software testing outsourcing companies save time, money, and resources.

This alternative is cheaper than hiring, training, and equipping new workers from inside. A full-fledged testing department is unnecessary if software testing is not a major element of your company strategy.

You may avoid costly errors by outsourcing software testing to a skilled team. Outsourcing software testing speeds up product development. When a company introduces a new product, it opens the door to more revenue.

5. Little time to finish the job

There are many situations in which projects and organizations must speed through quality assurance testing, such as when development is behind schedule.

Software testing, which is more concerned with checking and fixing bugs than with building new features, is often hurried in contrast.

When you need software tested so rapidly that your in-house team can’t possibility do it right, testing and QA outsourcing is the way to go. 

Best Practices for Selecting an Outsourcing Partner

1. Portfolio

You may easily see the company’s work samples by browsing the website. More specifically, in terms of its knowledge, ambitions, and clientele (both old and current). It should be a well-established outsourced company that is able to meet all of the requirements.

2. Facilities

Alternatively, you may inquire as to the extent to which their memory serves them well. You must be aware of the company’s procedures for keeping consumer information secure.

What’s more, the state of their infrastructure (network health, devices in use, etc.) is crucial, since it has a direct bearing on the project’s safety.

3. Flexibility

Your provider’s flexibility is also an important factor to think about. It’s safe to assume that your vendor will need to increase its capacity as your project expands towards a testing phase. 

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To Sum Up

Companies working on complicated and time-sensitive projects might benefit greatly from outsourcing their software testing needs to specialists.

Separating the software development and testing phases has many advantages for a company, including more visibility into test quality and services, greater objectivity in testing results, and a more defined set of responsibilities.

It is usually preferable to use a vendor that demonstrates a transparent and responsible approach and a commitment to ethical behavior when outsourcing software testing.

Select a company that takes full ownership of the final product and regularly meets your expectations for quality and timeliness of delivery.

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